What would James Bond do?
In my last boss office was a framed card with red letters on a white ground asking:
In most monthly leadership team meetings I sat facing the framed card and often when we were discussing some issues, I thought to myself, what would HE do, creating an inner smile.
Since I work as a coach I realized the incredible power such things can have. I have a client who gave me permission to share her story. She admires in certain situations the forceful, decisive, strong, assertive not aggressive character of Claire Underwood (House of Cards).
She said: “Sometimes I wished I’d be Claire” and amongst other break throughs during the sessions she came up with a useful reminder. A post-it note she could stick everywhere, simply saying ABC: “Always Be Claire”. It worked, and she could change over time what she wanted to achieve.
I believe this is an incredible tool we all could use. Who are your role models? What traits do they have, and you don’t? What needs for you to change to become more like them? Who could help you to become more like them? Who is in your way?
In a coaching session you are allowed to dream, you are allowed to spin your thoughts into fictive characters & situations. You are allowed to think and speak of ways you otherwise don’t dare to say as you are afraid to be laughed at. This is the place where the safe container of the coach-client relationship allows you to shape an action plan and put it into action. This is the place we break with rules and beliefs that might hold you back.
Q (in 007 movies standing for Quartermaster of the R&D division of the British Secret Service) is your coach arming you with the necessary tools and support on your mission to shape YOUR world, as “THE World Is Not Enough”. So,Never Say Never Again to a coach.
From Michael With Love