I do ultra trail running and when I learned one thing its, the faster you go downhill the more you pay the price at the next hill as your bones, joints and muscles get massively strained. When you sprint uphillyour engine explodes and you will miss every bit of energy at the end of the race.
In today’s world everything seems to be about “saving time”, “hacking processes” in the name of evolution, get rich “quick” and so on.
Did you notice that never before in history we had more children and adults who can’t cope with the pressure, people medicating themselves, eat themselves obese, binge drink, or being unhappy?
There is learning in slowing down, evaluating, savouring the moment. Accepting the moment. It doesn’t mean you are goalless or not driven, weak, or lacking desire as so many try to suggest you.
The opposite is true; it sharpens your focus on you. Being with you in a time of constant entertainment and distraction prepares you for the real challenges in life. Learn to say No, trust your instincts, trust what comes up in times of slowing down and silence. “Speeders” running away from themselves. And you can’t win that race, it’s a marathon not a sprint of constant evolution.